DIY Outdoor Kitchen Guide

DIY Outdoor Kitchen Guide by BBQ Coach

Willie the BBQ Coach has been building professional grade Outdoor Kitchens since 1998. He is the founder of the DIY Outdoor Kitchen frame kits and ready 2 finish islands.  He was the innovator of using composite decking board under the base of the frame to protect against from rust.  The first builder to expose the incorrect usage of non structural 25 and 20 gauge studs that so many people used by mistake to build diy outdoor kitchen frames.  He is the inventor of Cement Board Stucco that bonds directly to cement board without metal lath or a base coat.   Willie is also a holder of a US Patent for his DIY bbq framing system.   His latest invention of steel couplers and real square steel tubes is revolutionizing outdoor kitchen building. With the new steel coupler and telescoping steel tubes it is much faster and easier to build a diy outdoor kitchen frame.  Contractors and homeowners love this new system and find it very easy to assemble and very strong to support the heavy weight of gas bbq grills, granite counters and stone sidings.

This Outdoor Kitchen Guide is a collection of Willies Videos to help anyone to build a DIY outdoor kitchen.   You can watch the videos in order or skip to the ones that you are seeking to learn more about.   We hope you will find all of this information helpful to build an amazing outdoor kitchen.

Video 1 How to Design Your Outdoor Kitchen

Video 2  How to poor a concrete pad



Video 3   Information about the New DIY Outdoor Kitchen Framing System with steel tubes and couplers


Video 4  How To Install Cement board for your outdoor kitchen


Video 5 & 6 How to Make a DIY Concrete Counter Top for your Outdoor Kitchen


Video 7 Finishing your Outdoor Kitchen Siding with Stucco and installing Appliances